Success from God

By Darrick The Prosperity Messenger
This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you
shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according
to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and
then you shall deal wisely and have good success.
Joshua 1:8
God has planned a life journey for you filled with opportunities for success and growth and He gave you a way to partnership with Him to make it happen. Your part is to speak His Word and meditate on it day and night to make your way prosperous  and have good success. God knows how little you can do on your own and how much He can accomplish through you. Maybe your situation doesn't look like a success right now, but you must be patient and keep working to prosper the desire or idea God has put in your spirit.
God gave you a unique collection of talents and desires and God will direct your steps if you let Him. Are you ready? Are you willing to do things His way? Will you step up and accept the task for which God has called you? God can bring you out of lack but you have to position yourself to receive success from God and the way it starts is you have to elevate your thinking to His level. Hallelujah, you must realize that God is your provider and the source of your supply and that means you must become a person who opens the door for the Mighty Power of God to enter your situation. Yes, success from God means not only taking action but also trusting, learning, and relying on Him and His promises.
Glory be to God! His Word is a legal document sealed by the Blood of Jesus so you must believe what the Bible says and confess it in order to make it a reality in your life. This is a key to the promise to make it a reality in your life. God's way and desire is that you prepare your mind for success and cast down thoughts and attitudes that do not line up with God's Word.
Success from God is learning how to develop an excellent spirit that will make you successful with God and people. What you believe in your heart and what you speak with your mouth must work together to bring what you've been praying for with the Word of God as your foundation. So when you do your part you can watch God rearrange your situation and position you for great success. Let me tell you MORE ABOUT IT and how I can help you at GO THERE NOW! Yes, CLICK RIGHT NOW! There is a MESSAGE YOU REALLY NEED TO READ!
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